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David John
Web DesignerContact
Email: mahesh.pareek@wisdomleaf.com
- Programming language
- Problemsolving
- Communication
Results-driven Senior Software Engineer and Team leader with 10 years of hands-on experience in guiding teams through all software development phases from requirement gathering and analysis to design, development, testing, and support. Highly knowledgeable in operating systems, development environments, frontend and backend programming languages, and data architecture. Leverages Agile methodology to strengthen test-driven, development, and change management initiatives.
Work History
Software Developer
Amazon, Bengaluru India- Troubleshoot, debug and upgrade existing software.
- Gather and evaluate user feedback.
Software Developer 2
Amazon, Bengaluru India- Create technical documentation for reference and reporting.
- Produce clean, efficient code based on specifications.
B Tech CSE
MDSU - Ajmer, Raj- Received Gold Medal in Hack4India Hackathon.
MDSU - Ajmer, Raj- Received silver medal in Football tournament.
- Received Gold Medal in Hack4India Hackathon.
David John
Web DesignerEmail: mahesh.pareek@wisdomleaf.com

Results-driven Senior Software Engineer and Team leader with 10 years of hands-on experience in guiding teams through all software development phases from requirement gathering and analysis to design, development, testing, and support. Highly knowledgeable in operating systems, development environments, frontend and backend programming languages, and data architecture. Leverages Agile methodology to strengthen test-driven, development, and change management initiatives.
Technical Profile
- Programming Languages
- Problemsolving
- Communication
Work History
Software Developer
Amazon, Bengaluru India- Verify and deploy programs and systems.
- Troubleshoot, debug and upgrade existing softwares.
Software Developer 2
Amazon, Bengaluru India- Troubleshoot, debug and upgrade existing software.
- Gather and evaluate user feedback.
B Tech CSE
MDSU - Ajmer, Raj- Received Gold Medal in Hack4India Hackathon.
MDSU - Ajmer, Raj- Received Gold Medal in Hack4India Hackathon.
- Received Gold Medal in Hack4India Hackathon.
David John
Graphic DesignerContact




123 Anywhere St. Any City
- Programming language
- Problemsolving
- Communication
MDS University Ajmer (Raj.)
2018 - 2021Received Gold Medal in Hack4India Hackathon
JECRC University Jaipur (Raj.)
2021 - 2023Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed semper, ex id suscipit hendrerit, magna
Results-driven Senior Software Engineer and Team leader with 10 years of hands-on experience in guiding teams through all software development phases from requirement gathering and analysis to design, development, testing, and support. Highly knowledgeable in operating systems, development environments, frontend and backend programming languages, and data architecture. Leverages Agile methodology to strengthen test-driven, development, and change management initiatives.
Work Experience
Software Developer
- Produce clean, efficient code based on specifications.
- Integrate software components and third-party programs.
- Verify and deploy programs and systems.
Software Developer
- Work with developers to design algorithms and flowcharts.
- Integrate software components and third-party programs.
- Verify and deploy programs and systems.



Sanjayv1@iisc.ac.in / Sanjay11593@gmail.com

1115/F Amrithas, 7th Main 7th Cross, Hosakerahalli, BSK 3rd Stage, Bangalore 560085
- Attention to detail
- Quick learner
- Meticulous planner
- Take complete ownership
- Accountable leadership
- Hardworking
- Drive continuous improvement
- Regulatory Compliance
- Best Practices Implementation
- Attention to detail
- Glas-col Inhalation Exposure System
- Madison Aerosol Exposure Chamber
- FACS. Aria Fusion
- Phase Contrast Microscope
- Fluorescence Microscopy
- Attention to detail
- Glas-col Inhalation Exposure System
- Madison Aerosol Exposure Chamber
- FACS. Aria Fusion
- Phase Contrast Microscope
- Fluorescence Microscopy
- ICAR-NDRI Fellowship during MVSc.
- Lifetime Member, Karnataka Veterinary Council.
- Lifetime Member, Veterinary Council of India.
- Lifetime Member, Laboratory Animals Scientists Association (India).
Interests: Reading, Fine Arts and Games.
Languages Proficiency: English, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil and Telugu.
Dr. Sivasankaran. M. Ponnan: Research Scientist Center for Immunity and Immunotherapies Seattle Children’s Hospital
Email: mponnan@seattlechildrens.org Phone (Office): 206-884-1668 Mobile: 206-886-7393
Dr. K.N, Balaji Professor Professor of Microbiology and Cell Biology Indian Institute of Science CV Raman Avenue Bangalore 560012 India Email: balaji@iisc.ac.in
David John
Pharma ~ Clinical Research ~ Animal Health
- Results-driven and highly motivated professional with extensive experience in animal experimentation. Perform surgery, necropsy, signs scoring and immunopathological analysis.
- Excellent at monitoring animal health, sample collection, processing, analysis and interpretation of results.
- Hands-on experience in managing a BSL-3 compliant lab environment.
- Proficient in complying with EHS, IAEC, CPCSEA and IBSC protocols.
- Fully committed to pursuing a full time professional career in a firm after dedicating the last three years to research on infectious diseases.
Centre for Infectious Disease Research (CIDR), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Positions Held
Senior Project Associate/BSL-3 Facility In-charge, April
2023 – PresentProject Associate-2/ BSL-3 Facility In-charge
August 2022 to March 2023Project Associate-1/ BSL-3 Facility In-charge
September 2020 to July 2022Responsibilities
- Take complete ownership for the day-to-day operations, administration, maintenance, and management of the BSL-3 facility
- Results-driven and highly motivated professional with extensive experience in animal experimentation. Perform surgery, necropsy, signs scoring and immunopathological analysis.
- Take complete ownership for the day-to-day operations, administration, maintenance, and management of the BSL-3 facility
- Results-driven and highly motivated professional with extensive experience in animal experimentation. Perform surgery, necropsy, signs scoring and immunopathological analysis.
- Take complete ownership for the day-to-day operations, administration, maintenance, and management of the BSL-3 facility
- Results-driven and highly motivated professional with extensive experience in animal experimentation. Perform surgery, necropsy, signs scoring and immunopathological analysis.
- Take complete ownership for the day-to-day operations, administration, maintenance, and management of the BSL-3 facility
- Results-driven and highly motivated professional with extensive experience in animal experimentation. Perform surgery, necropsy, signs scoring and immunopathological analysis.
Manu Petcare, 2019-2020
Maruthi Petcare, 2020-Present (Part-time)
Positions Held
- Take complete ownership for the day-to-day operations, administration, maintenance, and management of the BSL-3 facility
- Results-driven and highly motivated professional with extensive experience in animal experimentation. Perform surgery, necropsy, signs scoring and immunopathological analysis.
- Take complete ownership for the day-to-day operations, administration, maintenance, and management of the BSL-3 facility
- Results-driven and highly motivated professional with extensive experience in animal experimentation. Perform surgery, necropsy, signs scoring and immunopathological analysis.
- Take complete ownership for the day-to-day operations, administration, maintenance, and management of the BSL-3 facility
- Results-driven and highly motivated professional with extensive experience in animal experimentation. Perform surgery, necropsy, signs scoring and immunopathological analysis.
- Take complete ownership for the day-to-day operations, administration, maintenance, and management of the BSL-3 facility
- Results-driven and highly motivated professional with extensive experience in animal experimentation. Perform surgery, necropsy, signs scoring and immunopathological analysis.
- Post Graduate Diploma in Animal Welfare, Indira Gandhi National Open University, Delhi, 2020-21
- Master of Veterinary Sciences (MVSc), Livestock Production Management, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana, 2017-19.
- Bachelor of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry (BVSc & AH), Veterinary College, Hebbal Bangalore, Karnataka Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Bidar, 2012-17.
- Successfully qualified in the National Eligibility Test conducted by ICAR.
- Laboratory Animal Management Centre for Continuing Education, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
- Advanced Training Course on TB Research in BSL-3 protocols, Delhi University, South Campus.
- Hands-on Basic Cytometry Course, National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore.
- Ushashi Banerjee, Salik Miskat Borbora, Madhura Guha, Vikas Yadav, Sanjay V, Amit Singh, Kithiganahalli Narayanaswamy Balaji, Nagasuma Chandra. Inhibition of leukotriene by signalling mediated host response to tuberculosis is a potential mode of adjunctive hostdirected therapy. Submitted Immunology (2023) (under review).
- Sanjay.V, Jeyakumar.S, Kumaresan.A, Ramesha.K.P, Mukund A Kataktalware, Surendranath B. Blood Biochemical profile during early pregnancy in primiparous Deoris (Bosindicus) heifers (under review).
- Sanjay V, Jeyakumar S, Shweta Mall, Ramesh K.P, Mukund A Kataktalware, Surendranath B, Das D.N, Manimaran A and Sivaram M. Untargeted Plasma Metabolic profiling around early gestation period unveils partitive early pregnancy biomarkers in cows (under review).

A highly motivated person, currently looking to resume my professional career after dedicating the last six years for research in immunology & vaccine research. My career goal is to assume a role which allows me to take responsibility and looking for the right opportunity to use my expertise in a reputed firm. I am fully committed to continuing my career on a full-time basis
David John
Medical Microbiologist & ImmunologistINFO



No.66, Bayleaf Apartment, Madurai Samy Madam Street, Perambur, Chennai – 600011.

siva3185@gmail.com sivasankaran@iisc.ac.in

080 -22933063
- Attention to detail
- Improving efficiency
- Planning
- Good orientation
- Accountability
- Quick learner
- Productive
- Hard working
MS Office Suite
FACS machine Handled: (Certified operator)
- FACS Aria Fusion
- FACS Aria III (Sorter)
- FACS Symphony-HIL Imperial college of London
- FACS Canto
- FACS Melody
Microcopy Handled:
- Flurosence Microscopy
- Phase conteact
- Confocal Microscopy -LSM 510.
FACS Data analysis
- Flowojo
- Diva
- FCS express Plus
Summer Training fellowships at Serum Institute of India, Pune. (2009)
Young Scientist FellowshipDepartment of Health Research HRD fellowship and ICMR (2015)
Member of
Ambassadors Program”
THSTI and International Vaccine
Access Health Center at the Johns
Hopkins Bloomberg School of
Public Health.
International Society of
advancement in Cytometry
The Cytometry Society, India
University 3rd rank holder in Undergraduation.
Availed travel grant to attend Wellcome Trust / DBT India Alliance Science Communication Workshop held in Hyderabad (September 2016).
Availed travel grant to attend International Society of advancement (ISAC) in cytometry -15th Indo-US FACS work shop.
International Society of advancement in Cytometry (ISAC) -Student membership Award.
Nominated for the transfer of Viral Inhibition assay from Human Immunology Laboratory – International AIDS Vaccine Initiative—Imperial College of London, London to India.
- Reading
- Fine Arts
- Games
- Microscopy – Confocal Microscopy, Fluorescence Microscopy.
- Sound knowledge in laboratory techniques in the field of Medical Microbiology & Molecular Biology
- FACS Analysis, Acquiring and Cell Sorting by BD FACS Aria III.
- Intracellular Cytokine assay, Multicolour Immunophenotyping (12 colours), Cell cycle analysis in Flow cytometry etc.
- Good experience in BSL2 and BSL3 (HIL London)
- Quality control techniques in vaccine production and maintenance (Indian pharmacopeia Techniques)
- Basic techniques in cell culture and tissue culture (Virology), stimulation and aseptic harvesting of cell culture.
- Good Knowledge in quality control techniques, clinical laboratory and analysis of unknown bacteria from various clinical specimens like CSF, Blood, Sputum, Pus, Lavage Fluid, Etc.
- Sound Knowledge in BD Bac-Tech instrument and maintenance of bacterial culture.
- Basic techniques in Molecular Biology PCR, RAPD, RFLP, Real Time PCR,
Senior Research Scientist
Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Banglore.
- Results-driven and highly motivated professional with extensive experience in animal experimentation. Perform surgery, necropsy, signs scoring and immunopathological analysis.
- Excellent at monitoring animal health, sample collection, processing, analysis and interpretation of results.
- Hands-on experience in managing a BSL-3 compliant lab environment.
- Proficient in complying with EHS, IAEC, CPCSEA and IBSC protocols.
- Fully committed to pursuing a full time professional career in a firm after dedicating the last three years to research on infectious diseases.
Young Scientist Fellow (DHR-ICMR)
National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis (NIRT-ICMR).
- Results-driven and highly motivated professional with extensive experience in animal experimentation. Perform surgery, necropsy, signs scoring and immunopathological analysis.
- Excellent at monitoring animal health, sample collection, processing, analysis and interpretation of results.
- Hands-on experience in managing a BSL-3 compliant lab environment.
- Proficient in complying with EHS, IAEC, CPCSEA and IBSC protocols.
- Fully committed to pursuing a full time professional career in a firm after dedicating the last three years to research on infectious diseases.
Flow cytometry and confocal core facility – In charge
National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis (NIRT-ICMR),Becton Dickenson (BD)
- Results-driven and highly motivated professional with extensive experience in animal experimentation. Perform surgery, necropsy, signs scoring and immunopathological analysis.
- Excellent at monitoring animal health, sample collection, processing, analysis and interpretation of results.
- Hands-on experience in managing a BSL-3 compliant lab environment.
- Proficient in complying with EHS, IAEC, CPCSEA and IBSC protocols.
- Fully committed to pursuing a full time professional career in a firm after dedicating the last three years to research on infectious diseases.
Senior Research Fellow – ICMR (Medical Microbiologist)
Govt.Stanely Medical College -National Institute of Epidemiology (NIE-ICMR)
- Results-driven and highly motivated professional with extensive experience in animal experimentation. Perform surgery, necropsy, signs scoring and immunopathological analysis.
- Excellent at monitoring animal health, sample collection, processing, analysis and interpretation of results.
- Hands-on experience in managing a BSL-3 compliant lab environment.
- Proficient in complying with EHS, IAEC, CPCSEA and IBSC protocols.
- Fully committed to pursuing a full time professional career in a firm after dedicating the last three years to research on infectious diseases.
Lecturer and Microbiologist
Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Basic Medical Sciences & Research Centre
- Results-driven and highly motivated professional with extensive experience in animal experimentation. Perform surgery, necropsy, signs scoring and immunopathological analysis.
- Excellent at monitoring animal health, sample collection, processing, analysis and interpretation of results.
- Hands-on experience in managing a BSL-3 compliant lab environment.
- Proficient in complying with EHS, IAEC, CPCSEA and IBSC protocols.
- Fully committed to pursuing a full time professional career in a firm after dedicating the last three years to research on infectious diseases.
National Institute for Research in
Tuberculosis Formally TRC-NIRT
Indian Council of Medical Research
University of Madras
Doctorate in Medical MicrobiologyImmunology
Diploma in Vaccinology, Institute Pasteur, Paris, France.
Dr. ALM PG IBMS, University of Madras
Masters in Medical Microbiology
Faculty of Medicine
University of Madras
Bachelor in Microbiology
- HIV Immunology
- Innate and adaptive Immunity of HIV disease Non progression.
- Identifying the correlation of protection in HIV Resistant groups.
- Host-microorganism interactions (hosts-HIV, hosts-pathogens).
- Vaccine designing
- Vaccine induced Immunology(ICS, Viral Inhibition Assay)
- Clinical trials
- Multicolour Flowcytometry
- Sorting and functional studies
- Single cell transcriptomic analysis.
- Sivasankaran.M.P, Vidya Vijayan K.K, Kannan Thiruvengadam, Manikannan Mathayan, Kailapuri Gangatharan Murugavel, Luke Elizabeth Hanna. Role of circulating T follicular helper cells and Stem like memory CD4+ T cells in the pathogenesis of HIV-2 infection and rate of disease progression, 2021. (In Press Frontiers in Immunology).
- Sivasankaran.M.P, Kannan Thiruvengadam, Sujitha Kathirvel, Janani Shankar, Akshaya Rajaraman, Thongadi Ramesh Dinesha, Selvamuthu Poongulali, Shanmugam Saravanan, et al., Elevated levels of HIV-specific polyfunctional CD8 T cells with stem cell like and follicular homing phenotypes in HIV-exposed seronegative individuals. 2021. Frontiers in Immunology https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2021.638144/full
- Sivasankaran.M.P, Vidya Vijayan K.K, Kannan Thiruvengadam, Manikannan Mathayan, Kailapuri Gangatharan Murugavel, Luke Elizabeth Hanna. Role of circulating T follicular helper cells and Stem like memory CD4+ T cells in the pathogenesis of HIV-2 infection and rate of disease progression, 2021. (In Press Frontiers in Immunology).
- Sivasankaran.M.P, Kannan Thiruvengadam, Sujitha Kathirvel, Janani Shankar, Akshaya Rajaraman, Thongadi Ramesh Dinesha, Selvamuthu Poongulali, Shanmugam Saravanan, et al., Elevated levels of HIV-specific polyfunctional CD8 T cells with stem cell like and follicular homing phenotypes in HIV-exposed seronegative individuals. 2021. Frontiers in Immunology https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2021.638144/full
- Sivasankaran.M.P, Vidya Vijayan K.K, Kannan Thiruvengadam, Manikannan Mathayan, Kailapuri Gangatharan Murugavel, Luke Elizabeth Hanna. Role of circulating T follicular helper cells and Stem like memory CD4+ T cells in the pathogenesis of HIV-2 infection and rate of disease progression, 2021. (In Press Frontiers in Immunology).
- Sivasankaran.M.P, Kannan Thiruvengadam, Sujitha Kathirvel, Janani Shankar, Akshaya Rajaraman, Thongadi Ramesh Dinesha, Selvamuthu Poongulali, Shanmugam Saravanan, et al., Elevated levels of HIV-specific polyfunctional CD8 T cells with stem cell like and follicular homing phenotypes in HIV-exposed seronegative individuals. 2021. Frontiers in Immunology https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2021.638144/full
- Sivasankaran.M.P, Vidya Vijayan K.K, Kannan Thiruvengadam, Manikannan Mathayan, Kailapuri Gangatharan Murugavel, Luke Elizabeth Hanna. Role of circulating T follicular helper cells and Stem like memory CD4+ T cells in the pathogenesis of HIV-2 infection and rate of disease progression, 2021. (In Press Frontiers in Immunology).
- Sivasankaran.M.P, Kannan Thiruvengadam, Sujitha Kathirvel, Janani Shankar, Akshaya Rajaraman, Thongadi Ramesh Dinesha, Selvamuthu Poongulali, Shanmugam Saravanan, et al., Elevated levels of HIV-specific polyfunctional CD8 T cells with stem cell like and follicular homing phenotypes in HIV-exposed seronegative individuals. 2021. Frontiers in Immunology https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2021.638144/full
- Sivasankaran.M.P, Vidya Vijayan K.K, Kannan Thiruvengadam, Manikannan Mathayan, Kailapuri Gangatharan Murugavel, Luke Elizabeth Hanna. Role of circulating T follicular helper cells and Stem like memory CD4+ T cells in the pathogenesis of HIV-2 infection and rate of disease progression, 2021. (In Press Frontiers in Immunology).
- Sivasankaran.M.P, Kannan Thiruvengadam, Sujitha Kathirvel, Janani Shankar, Akshaya Rajaraman, Thongadi Ramesh Dinesha, Selvamuthu Poongulali, Shanmugam Saravanan, et al., Elevated levels of HIV-specific polyfunctional CD8 T cells with stem cell like and follicular homing phenotypes in HIV-exposed seronegative individuals. 2021. Frontiers in Immunology https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2021.638144/full
- Sivasankaran.M.P, Vidya Vijayan K.K, Kannan Thiruvengadam, Manikannan Mathayan, Kailapuri Gangatharan Murugavel, Luke Elizabeth Hanna. Role of circulating T follicular helper cells and Stem like memory CD4+ T cells in the pathogenesis of HIV-2 infection and rate of disease progression, 2021. (In Press Frontiers in Immunology).
- Sivasankaran.M.P, Kannan Thiruvengadam, Sujitha Kathirvel, Janani Shankar, Akshaya Rajaraman, Thongadi Ramesh Dinesha, Selvamuthu Poongulali, Shanmugam Saravanan, et al., Elevated levels of HIV-specific polyfunctional CD8 T cells with stem cell like and follicular homing phenotypes in HIV-exposed seronegative individuals. 2021. Frontiers in Immunology https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2021.638144/full
- Sivasankaran.M.P, Vidya Vijayan K.K, Kannan Thiruvengadam, Manikannan Mathayan, Kailapuri Gangatharan Murugavel, Luke Elizabeth Hanna. Role of circulating T follicular helper cells and Stem like memory CD4+ T cells in the pathogenesis of HIV-2 infection and rate of disease progression, 2021. (In Press Frontiers in Immunology).
- Sivasankaran.M.P, Kannan Thiruvengadam, Sujitha Kathirvel, Janani Shankar, Akshaya Rajaraman, Thongadi Ramesh Dinesha, Selvamuthu Poongulali, Shanmugam Saravanan, et al., Elevated levels of HIV-specific polyfunctional CD8 T cells with stem cell like and follicular homing phenotypes in HIV-exposed seronegative individuals. 2021. Frontiers in Immunology https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2021.638144/full
- Sivasankaran.M.P, Vidya Vijayan K.K, Kannan Thiruvengadam, Manikannan Mathayan, Kailapuri Gangatharan Murugavel, Luke Elizabeth Hanna. Role of circulating T follicular helper cells and Stem like memory CD4+ T cells in the pathogenesis of HIV-2 infection and rate of disease progression, 2021. (In Press Frontiers in Immunology).
- Sivasankaran.M.P, Kannan Thiruvengadam, Sujitha Kathirvel, Janani Shankar, Akshaya Rajaraman, Thongadi Ramesh Dinesha, Selvamuthu Poongulali, Shanmugam Saravanan, et al., Elevated levels of HIV-specific polyfunctional CD8 T cells with stem cell like and follicular homing phenotypes in HIV-exposed seronegative individuals. 2021. Frontiers in Immunology https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2021.638144/full
- Sivasankaran.M.P, Vidya Vijayan K.K, Kannan Thiruvengadam, Manikannan Mathayan, Kailapuri Gangatharan Murugavel, Luke Elizabeth Hanna. Role of circulating T follicular helper cells and Stem like memory CD4+ T cells in the pathogenesis of HIV-2 infection and rate of disease progression, 2021. (In Press Frontiers in Immunology).
Under Review
- Workshop on Flow cytometry (Basics) November 2&3, 2017 (with BD India and NIRT FACS core facility)
- Workshop on Polychromatic Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting September 10-12,2018 (with BD India and NIRT FACS core facility)
- IAVI-Viral Inhibition Assay training cum workshop, April 23-26, 2018. (with IAVI India, Human Immunology Laboratory-HIL London, and NIRT FACS core facility)
Dr. Luke Elizabeth Hanna, PhD
Scientist “E”,
National Institute for Research In Tuberculosis (ICMR)
Phone: +91- 9840644376
Email: hannatrc@yahoo.com -
Dr Jill Gilmour, PhD
Former Executive Director, HIL, IAVI)
Managing Director, JWG Global Lab Solution
Imperial College of London, UK
Email- j.gilmour@imperial.ac.uk;
jill_gilmour@hotmail.co.uk. -
Dr.Barbara L. Shacklett, PhD
Professor, Medical Microbiology and Immunology, UC
Davis School of Medicine
Faculty Advisor to the Associate Vice Chancellor for
Academic Personnel
University of California, Davis 1 Shields Ave. Davis, CA 95616 USA
Tel: (530) 752-6785
Fax: (530) 752-8692
blshacklett@ucdavis.edu -
Dr. Bergin Philip, PhD
Scientist “E”,
National Institute for Research In Tuberculosis (ICMR)
Phone: +91- 9840644376
Email: hannatrc@yahoo.com
I hereby declare that all the above furnished details are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Banglore 05 April , 2021

Office Assistance

123 Anywhere St. any city



Project Management
Problem Solving
Results-driven Senior Software Engineer and Team leader with 10 years of hands-on experience in guiding teams through all software development phases from requirement gathering and analysis to design, development, testing, and support. Highly knowledgeable in operating systems, development environments, frontend and backend programming languages, and data architecture. Leverages Agile methodology to strengthen test-driven, development, and change management initiatives.
Master in Product Design
2008 - 2010
Reality great university
BA in Product Design
2005 - 2007
Reality great university
Reality Great Company
2018 - 2020
Senior Graphics Designer
- Research and brainstorm various design ideas for content and marketing.
- Compile and manage a design style guide to help the team understand the brand guidelines.

123 Anywhere St. any city



Bachelor of Design
Anywhere University 2010 - 2014Bachelor of Design
Anywhere University 2010 - 2014Digital Marketing
David John
Office AssistanceJan 2022 to Mar 2022
Reality Great Company
Senior Graphics Designer
Compile and manage a design style guide to help the team understand the brand guidelines.
Apr 2022 to July 2022
Turbo Inc
Senior Graphics Designer
Research and brainstorm various design ideas for content and marketing.
Sept 2022 to Present
Senior Graphics Designer
Collaborate with the product and marketing team to understand the project or campaign requirements.

Results-driven Senior Software Engineer and Team leader with 10 years of hands-on experience in guiding teams through all software development phases from requirement gathering and analysis to design, development, testing, and support.

123 Anywhere St. any city



David John
Office AssistanceBORCELLE University
Bussiness Adminstration Career, in progressFAUGET College
2018 - 2022David John
Office AssistanceResults-driven Senior Software Engineer and Team leader with 10 years of hands-on experience in guiding teams through all software development phases from requirement gathering and analysis to design, development, testing, and support. Highly knowledgeable in operating systems, development environments, frontend and backend programming languages, and data architecture. Leverages Agile methodology to strengthen test-driven, development, and change management initiatives.
Project Manager
Westheon FGW | Oct 2017 to present- Coordinate internal resources and third parties/vendors for the flawless execution of projects
- Ensure that all projects are delivered on-time, within scope and within budget
- Ensure resource availability and allocation
- Develop a detailed project plan to track progress
Senior Manager
Westheon FGW | Jan 2014 to Sep 2017- Measure project performance using appropriate systems, tools and techniques
- Report and escalate to management as needed
- Perform risk management to minimize project risks
- Establish and maintain relationships with third parties/vendors
HGFZ Graduate Center
Master in Project Management | Jan 2014 - Sep 2017- Received Gold Medal in project management competition

123 Anywhere St. any city



- Programming Langugaes
- Problemsolving
- Technical Documentation
- Gold medal in maths olympiad.
- Silver medal in basketball competition.
- Gold medal in project management competition

Results-driven Senior Software Engineer and Team leader with 10 years of hands-on experience in guiding teams through all software development phases from requirement gathering and analysis to design, development, testing, and support.

123 Anywhere St. any city



- English
- Spain (Basic)
- Germany (Basic)
- Management Skills
- Digital Marketing
- Creativity
- Negotiation
David John
Office AssistanceMaster in Product Design
Reality great university
2008 - 2010
BA in Product Design
Reality great university
2005 - 2007
Graphics Designer
2021 - Present
- Design graphic assets like icons, illustrations, or patterns for websites, blogs, articles, infographics, ebooks, whitepapers, and landing pages.
- Research and brainstorm various design ideas for content and marketing.
Reality Great Company
Senior Graphics Designer
2018 - 2020
- Collaborate with the product and marketing team to understand the project or campaign requirements.
- Compile and manage a design style guide to help the team understand the brand guidelines.
Reality Great Company
Junior Graphics Designer
2016 - 2018
- Compile and manage a design style guide to help the team understand the brand guidelines.
- Help the management with the recruitment process.